Uploading SSH Keys

Now that you have generated your SSH keys, you should upload the public key (NOT the private key) to the authentication system.

Copy SSH Key

First, you must get the public key in the form to upload and copy it. The text you will upload should look something like:

Example public key:
ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIEgOP7sQ2YydiyHVjFVCzBcX20lM10U0wPKNtY9sUu8q foo@mylaptop
ssh-rsa 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 foo@mylaptop

If your SSH key is stored in the same style as OpenSSH (whether made by OpenSSH, MobaXterm, etc.), open your public key file in a plaintext editor such as Kate or Gedit (Linux), TextEdit (Mac), Notepad (Windows), VSCode, Vim, Emacs, etc. From there, copy your public key to the clipboard so you can paste it for uploading.


Do NOT use a document editor like LibreOffice or Microsoft Office. They can add invisible formatting characters, non-ASCII characters, newlines, etc. which can make the copied key invalid and will prevent you from logging in.

If you generated your SSH key with PuTTYgen, open the .ppk file in PuTTYgen by clicking Load. The text to copy is highlighted in the screenshot below

Screenshot of PuTTYgen with the public key text selected.

Public key in PuTTYgen

Selecting the public key text in PuTTYgen to copy it.

Upload Key

How you upload your SSH public key to your account depends on the kind of account you have. To determine your upload method, consult the table below and then go to the respective section:

Account DescriptionUpload Method
HLRN accountHLRN Upload
NHR accounts created before 2024/Q2HLRN Upload
Georg-August University accountAcademic Cloud Upload
MPG accountAcademic Cloud Upload
Other academic institution serviced directly by GWDGAcademic Cloud Upload
Other institution part of the federated loginAcademic Cloud Upload
Project Portal accountAcademic Cloud Upload
Other SCC accountAcademic Cloud Upload
KISSKI accountAcademic Cloud Upload

Academic Cloud Upload

First, go to Academic Cloud, which is shown in the screenshot below:

Screenshot of the Academic Cloud landing page at https://academiccloud.de.

Academic Cloud Landing Page

Location to login to in order to upload SSH key.

Click “Login” and then proceed to enter your primary email address with GWDG (for academic institutions serviced direcly by GWDG like the MPG and Georg-August university, this will be your institutional email address) or your institution if it is part of the federated login or the email address you used if you created an account on this page previously, as shown in the screenshot below. Then enter your password and do any 2FA/MFA you have enabled.

Screenshot of the Academic Cloud login page.

Academic Cloud Login Page

Enter login email address, password, and 2FA/MFA (if used) here to login.

After you have logged in, you will get a screen like the one below. Click on the option menu next to your name at the top-right and select “Profile” to get the your account settings.

Screenshot of the Academic Cloud main page after login, with the user's information blacked out.

Academic Cloud Main Page

Main page after logging in (user’s information blacked out).

In the Account settings, you will see information about your account like your username on the cluster, Academic ID number, email addresses you have registered, etc. as shown in the screenshot below. Click “Security” in the left navigation menu (pointed at by the red arrow).

Screenshot of the Academic Cloud account settings page with user's information blacked out.

Academic Cloud Account Settings

Account settings page (user’s information blacked out), with a red arrow indicating how to get to the security panel.

In the security panel, towards the bottom, there is a box for your SSH Public Keys as shown in the screenshot below. The SSH public keys you have uploaded so far are listed here. Click on the “ADD SSH PUBLIC KEY” button pointed at by the red arrow to add your key. Then, in the window that pops up (center of the screenshot), paste the key you copied earlier and optionally add a suitable comment. Click “ADD” to upload it.


It can take a few minutes until the key is synchronized with the systems. If the login does not work immediately, please try again later.

HLRN Upload

If you have an old HLRN username (like for example nibjdoe or beijohnd), you can login to AcademicID with the email <HLRN username>@hlrn.de. Your account does not have a password set by default, please use the password reset function of AcademicCloud. Please also use <HLRN username>@hlrn.de as the address to send the new password to. It will be forwarded to your real email address you used to register the original HLRN account, but directly specifying your real email won’t work!

Afterwards you can upload your SSH key just like other AcademicCloud users. Please note that your account has a different username in AcademicCloud, which you will see under AcademicID, but is not relevant or used anywhere else.

If you want to use the NHR@ZIB systems in Berlin that are not run by GWDG, please visit https://portal.nhr.zib.de/

Deleting lost/stolen SSH keys

To delete an old key that you don’t need any more, have lost or that might have been compromised, start by following the same steps as detailed above. In the last step, at the point where you can add new keys, you will see a list of your existing ones with a trash can icon next to each (for example the login key in the last screenshot). Click it and confirm the deletion in the following dialog.