What type of user account do I have?
Already have an HPC-enabled account, but are unsure what login nodes / partitions you should use? Then this page is for you.
User account types
Our HPC cluster constists of separate islands, funded by different institutions and as we are in the process of restructuring our project management, there is a potentially confusing variety of different types of user accounts that can be hard to keep apart, especially if you have multiple ones. The main difference is between Project Portal accounts and so-called “legacy” accounts. Then, depending on your affiliation with the different institutions eligible to use parts of our systems, there are other different account types:
Project Portal accounts
If your username looks like u12345
(u and a five-digit number), your user account is a Project Portal account.
You should have received an email from “GWDG HPC Project Portal (hpc-project-service@gwdg.de)” when you were added to the respective project.
Important things to keep in mind are that these are all project-specific HPC accounts, they are only valid on the actual HPC cluster and are associated with / owned by an AcademicID.
The AcademicID is your actual username, that you use for other services either of GWDG or your university and is used to login to the Project Portal, JupyterHPC, Chat AI or any other service you connect to without using SSH.
The AcademicID can not be used to connect to the HPC cluster via SSH directly (unless it is a full employee account of Uni Göttingen, MPG or GWDG and was separately activated as a legacy SCC account, see below).
When you log into the project portal, you will see an overview of projects you are a member of:
To know which cluster island the project (and your associated user) belongs to, click View
. You will then see a number of links at the top, detailing the tree structure your project is sorted under, starting with Projects
This will tell you the cluster island:
Projects / Extern / NHR-NORD@Göttingen
-> NHRProjects / Extern / KISSKI
-> KISSKIProjects / Extern / EFRE-REACT GPU-Cluster für Maschinelles Lernen
-> REACTProjects / Extern / CIDAS
-> treated like NHRProjects / Extern / Research Units
-> treated like NHRProjects / Scientific Compute Cluster (SCC)
-> SCC
“Legacy” accounts
- If your username starts with 3 letters that you could not choose, two of which are short for the German federal state of your university (followed by 5 letters/digits that you chose), you are a legacy HLRN user.
- Examples:
, …
- Examples:
- If your user name is just your name, either in the form “first letter of first name, followed by your last name”, firstname.lastname or just your lastname, possibly followed by a number, you are most likely a legacy SCC user.
- Examples: If your name is John Doe, possible usernames are
, …
- Examples: If your name is John Doe, possible usernames are
Type of user | login nodes¹ | home filesystem | scratch² | partitions you can use³ |
Portal NHR | glogin, glogin-gpu | vast-nhr | lustre-emmy-hdd/ssd, lustre-grete | medium96s, standard96(s), large96(s), huge96(s), grete, jupyter |
Portal SCC | login-mdc, transfer-scc | vast-standard | scratch1 (BeeGFS) | medium, scc-cpu, scc-gpu, vis, sgiz, jupyter |
KISSKI | glogin-gpu | vast-kisski | vast-kisski | kisski, kisski-h100, grete:interactive |
REACT | glogin-gpu | vast-react | vast-react | react, grete:interactive |
Legacy HLRN | glogin, glogin-gpu | vast-nhr | scratch-emmy, scratch-grete (Lustre) | medium96s, standard96(s), large96(s), huge96(s), grete |
Legacy SCC | login-mdc, transfer-scc | Stornext | scratch1 (BeeGFS) | medium, vis, sgiz |
[1]: See Logging In for more details
[2]: See Storage Systems for more details
[3]: See Compute Partititons for more details