NHR Modules (nhr-lmod)

The default stack on the whole NHR cluster. This stack uses Lmod as its module system. For the purposes of setting the desired software stack (see Software Stacks), its short name is nhr-lmod. You can learn more about how to use the module system at Module Basics.

To see the available software, run

module avail

The modules for this stack are built for several combinations of CPU architecture and connection fabric to support the various kinds of nodes in the cluster. The right module for the node is automatically selected during module load.

Getting Started with nhr-lmod

On NHR Emmy the new software stack is enabled by default. Just login to glogin-p2.hpc.gwdg.de or glogin-p3.hpc.gwdg.de and use the module avail and module load commands.

On NHR Grete you need to login to glogin-gpu.hpc.gwdg.de and run the following commands since hlrn-tmod is loaded by default:

source /sw/etc/profile/profile.sh

These commands also have to be put in your slurm batch scripts on NHR Grete to make sure the nhr-lmod stack is used.

Below we have provided some example scripts that load the gromacs module and run a simple test case. You can copy the example script and adjust it to the modules you would like to use.

KISSKI and REACT users can take the Grete example and use --partition kisski or --partition react instead.

Tutorial: Gromacs with nhr-lmod

The appropriate login nodes for this phase are glogin-p2.hpc.gwdg.de.

#SBATCH --job-name="NHR-Emmy-P2-gromacs"
#SBATCH --output "slurm-%x-%j.out"
#SBATCH --error "slurm-%x-%j.err"
#SBATCH --nodes 1
#SBATCH --ntasks-per-node 96
#SBATCH --partition standard96
#SBATCH --time 60:00

echo "================================ BATCH SCRIPT ================================" >&2
cat ${BASH_SOURCE[0]} >&2
echo "==============================================================================" >&2

module load gromacs/2023.3


source $(which GMXRC)
mpirun gmx_mpi mdrun -s /sw/chem/gromacs/mpinat-benchmarks/benchPEP.tpr \
	-nsteps 1000 -dlb yes -v 

The appropriate login nodes for this phase are glogin-p3.hpc.gwdg.de.

#SBATCH --job-name="NHR-Emmy-P3-gromacs"
#SBATCH --output "slurm-%x-%j.out"
#SBATCH --error "slurm-%x-%j.err"
#SBATCH --nodes 1
#SBATCH --ntasks-per-node 96
#SBATCH --partition medium96s
#SBATCH --time 60:00

echo "================================ BATCH SCRIPT ================================" >&2
cat ${BASH_SOURCE[0]} >&2
echo "==============================================================================" >&2

module load gromacs/2023.3


source $(which GMXRC)
mpirun gmx_mpi mdrun -s /sw/chem/gromacs/mpinat-benchmarks/benchPEP.tpr \
	-nsteps 1000 -dlb yes -v 

The appropriate login nodes for this phase are glogin-gpu.hpc.gwdg.de.

#SBATCH --job-name="NHR-Grete-gromacs"
#SBATCH --output "slurm-%x-%j.out"
#SBATCH --error "slurm-%x-%j.err"
#SBATCH --nodes 1
#SBATCH --ntasks-per-node 8
#SBATCH --gpus A100:4
#SBATCH --partition grete
#SBATCH --time 60:00

echo "================================ BATCH SCRIPT ================================" >&2
cat ${BASH_SOURCE[0]} >&2
echo "==============================================================================" >&2

source /sw/etc/profile/profile.sh

module load gromacs/2023.3-cuda

# OpenMP Threads * MPI Ranks = CPU Cores

source $(which GMXRC)
mpirun gmx_mpi mdrun -s /sw/chem/gromacs/mpinat-benchmarks/benchPEP-h.tpr \
	-nsteps 1000 -v -pme gpu -update gpu -bonded gpu -npme 1

The appropriate login nodes for this phase are glogin-gpu.hpc.gwdg.de.


The microarchitecture on the login node (AMD Rome) does not match the microarchitecture on the compute nodes (Intel Sapphire Rapids). In this case you should not compile your code on the login node, but use an interactive slurm job on the grete-h100 or grete-h100:shared partitions.

#SBATCH --job-name="NHR-Grete-H100-gromacs"
#SBATCH --output "slurm-%x-%j.out"
#SBATCH --error "slurm-%x-%j.err"
#SBATCH --nodes 1
#SBATCH --ntasks-per-node 8
#SBATCH --gpus H100:4
#SBATCH --partition grete-h100
#SBATCH --time 60:00

echo "================================ BATCH SCRIPT ================================" >&2
cat ${BASH_SOURCE[0]} >&2
echo "==============================================================================" >&2

module load gromacs/2023.3-cuda

# OpenMP Threads * MPI Ranks = CPU Cores

source $(which GMXRC)
mpirun gmx_mpi mdrun -s /sw/chem/gromacs/mpinat-benchmarks/benchPEP-h.tpr \
	-nsteps 1000 -v -pme gpu -update gpu -bonded gpu -npme 1

Hierarchical Module System

The module system has a Core - Compiler - MPI hierarchy. If you want to compile your own software, please load the appropriate compiler first and then the appropriate MPI module. This will make the modules that were compiled using this combination visible: if you run module avail you can see the additional modules at the top above the Core modules.

The modules built with GCC 11.4.0 and Open MPI are visible by default in the current software revision. We will revisit this decision in 2025 and will probably reduce the number of Core modules significantly and require a module load openmpi before any modules using Open MPI can be loaded.

Supported Compiler - MPI Combinations for Release 24.05

Supported Combinations

This is the “Core” configuration and has the largest selection of software modules available.

module load gcc/11.4.0
module load openmpi/4.1.6
module avail

CUDA 11 is not fully compatible with GCC 13 - this compiler is not available on Grete.

module load gcc/13.2.0
module load openmpi/4.1.6
module avail

Do not use the generic compilers mpicc, mpicxx, mpifc, mpigcc, mpigxx, mpif77, and mpif90! The Intel MPI compilers are mpiicx, mpiicpx, and mpiifx for C, C++, and Fortran respectively. The classic compilers are deprecated and will be removed in the 2024/2025 versions. They are mpiicc, mpiicpc and mpiifort. It might be useful to set export SLURM_CPU_BIND=none when using Intel MPI.

module load intel-oneapi-compilers/2023.2.1
module load intel-oneapi-mpi/2021.10.0
module avail

OpenMPI will wrap around the modern Intel compilers icx (C), icpx (C++), and ifx (Fortran).

module load intel-oneapi-compilers/2023.2.1
module load openmpi/4.1.6
module avail
If a module is not available for your particular Compiler-MPI combination or you need a different compiler installed please contact HPC support.

Adding Your Own Modules

See Using Your Own Module Files.


Spack is provided as the spack module to help build your own software.

Migrating from HLRN Modules (hlrn-tmod)

For those migrating from HLRN Modules (hlrn-tmod), three important modules were replaced with slightly different modules (in addition to different versions) and several others have renames which are listed in the table below:

HLRN Modules NameNHR Modules NameDescription
intelintel-oneapi-compilersIntel C, C++, and Fortran compilers (classic to OneAPI)
impiintel-oneapi-mpiIntel MPI (classic to OneAPI)
singularityapptainerPortable, reproducible Containers
blas/lapacknetlib-lapackLinear Algebra
nvhpc-hpcxnvhpcNvidia HPC SDK

Note that some packages are compiled with and without CUDA, and some compiled with CUDA are compiled with multiple versions. In this case, the module name and version will have the form MODULE/VERSION_cuda or MODULE/VERSION_cuda-CUDAMAJORVERSION where CUDAMAJORVERSION is the CUDA major version (e.g. 11 or 12).