NCAR Command Languge and NCAR Graphics
General information
NCL is an interpreted language designed specifically for scientific data analysis and visualization
| Version | Build Date | Installation Path | modulefile | compiler | license | | 6.5.0 | 16. Jul. 2018 | /sw/viz/ncl/6.5.0 | yes | precompiled binary | license information |
- Detailed description is found at the NCL home page,
- use option –help to see an overview of relevant options
Usage at HLRN
Modulefiles and environmental variables
- load a module to activate the path to the binaries
- loading the module files implies setting NCARG_ROOT
Program start
- aftern loading the module, start issuing ncl
- the following binaries are provided:
cgm2ncgm fcaps idt ncargf90 ncarlogo2ps ncl_filedump nhlf90 pswhite rassplit tlocal ConvertMapData findg MakeNcl ncargfile ncarvversion ncl_grib2nc nnalg pwritxnt rasstat WRAPIT ctlib fontc med ncargpath ncgm2cgm ncl.xq.fix pre2ncgm ras2ccir601 rasview wrapit77 ctrans gcaps ncargcc ncargrun ncgmstat ng4ex pre2ncgm.prog rascat scrip_check_input WriteLineFile ESMF_!RegridWeightGen graphc ncargex ncargversion ncl nhlcc psblack rasgetpal tdpackdemo WriteNameFile ezmapdemo ictrans ncargf77 ncargworld ncl_convert2nc nhlf77 psplit rasls tgks0a WritePlotcharData
HLRN specific installation
installation from predefined binary. The binary is downloaded from download page
Linked netcdf-library versions: netcdf 4.6.1 opendap enabled