Ansys Suite

The full Ansys Academic Multiphysics Campus Solution is available, e.g. Mechanical, CFX, Fluent, LS-Dyna, Electronic, SCADE (but not Lumerical, GRANTA).

To see if (new) software products are included in Ansys please check Ansys Academic Product Reference Table.

Below you find explanations to obtain and check out product licenses and regarding support and training.

For additional information and minimal examples regarding specific products see:

  • CFX — Computational fluid dynamics solver focused on turbo-machinery (vertex-centered FVM)
  • Fluent — General computational fluid dynamics solver (cell-centered FVM). GPUs are supported.
  • LS-DYNA — Crash Simulation Software - finite element and multiphysics program to analyse the nonlinear response of structures
  • Mechanical — Ansys Mechanical Package (coupled physics simulation) including Autodyn, Fatigue Module, Asas, Aqwa, etc.

Introduction and courses


This documentation only covers the specifics of the usage of ANSYS on our system. General introductory courses as well as courses for special topics are offered by ANSYS Inc. and their regional offices. We recommend taking an introductory course first (see the CAD-FEM GmbH homepage). Good (free) starting points for self-study are and

Documentation and materials


If you are a member of the Ansys user group (see details how to become a member below under Usage and Licensing) you can access on blogin:

  • the official PDF documentation: /sw/eng/ansys_inc/v231/doc_manuals/v231
  • tutorials: /sw/eng/ansys_inc/v231/doc_tutorials

Usage and licensing


Academic use only
The use of Ansys is restricted to members of the Ansys user group.

You can apply to become a group member at You must fulfill the Ansys license conditions. In short: our academic license is restricted to research, student instruction, student projects and student demonstrations. It cannot be used in projects that are financed by industrial partners.
To check if you are a group member you can type: groups


Slurm flag
Always add #SBATCH -L ansys to your job script.

The flag “#SBATCH -L ansys” ensures that the scheduler starts jobs only, when licenses are available. You can check the availability yourself: scontrol show lic

  • aa_r is a “ANSYS Academic Research License” with 4 inclusive tasks. Research jobs with more than 4 tasks cost additional “aa_r_hpc” licenses.

  • aa_t_a is a “ANSYS Academic Teaching License” with a maximum of 4 tasks. These may be used only for student projects, student instruction and student demonstrations. Eligible users are allowed to activate these, by adding the flag

    -lpf $ANSYSLIC_DIR/prodord/license.preferences_for_students_and_teaching.xml

    to the Ansys executable. The path $ANSYSLIC_DIR is provided after loading any Ansys module.

Installed versions

To see available versions type: module avail ansys