NHR Modules (nhr-lmod)

The default stack on the Emmy Phase 3 nodes of the NHR cluster. This stack uses Lmod as its module system. For the purposes of setting the desired software stack (see Software Stacks), its short name is nhr-lmod. You can learn more about how to use the module system at Module Basics.

To see the available software, run

module avail

The modules for this stack are built for several combinations of CPU architecture and connection fabric to support the various kinds of nodes in the cluster. The right module for the node is automatically selected during module load.

Adding Your Own Modules

See Using Your Own Module Files.


Spack is provided as the spack module to help build your own software.

Migrating from HLRN Modules (hlrn-tmod)

For those migrating from HLRN Modules (hlrn-tmod), three important modules were replaced with slightly different modules (in addition to different versions) which are listed in the table below:

HLRN Modules NameNHR Modules NameDescription
intelintel-oneapi-compilersIntel C, C++, and Fortran compilers (classic to OneAPI)
impiintel-oneapi-mpiIntel MPI (classic to OneAPI)
singularityapptainerPortable, reproducible Containers
blas/lapacknetlib-lapackLinear Algebra