Voice-AI FAQ

Data Privacy

Are my conversations or usage data used for AI training or similar purposes?

No, your conversations and data are not used to train any AI models.

Are my audio files and conversations stored on your servers at any stage?

No, user audio files or BBB conversation are not stored at any stage on our servers. Once your audio is sent and you receive the response, the result is available in your browser. The results of the transcription/translation are saved on our data mover node which will be erased after 30 days. This gives the users the opportunity to download their results whithin 30 days. BBB transcriptions, which are written in Etherpad and use local MySQL to save data also will be kept for 30 days before they are erased (future service).

What data does Voice AI keep when I use the service?

We do not keep any conversations or audio files on our servers. Transcrition/translation results are stored in our data mover node for 30 days. BBB transcriptions, which are stored in local MySQL also will be erased after 30 days (Future service). We also record some usage statistics to monitor the load on our service and improve the user experience. This includes usernames, timestamps, and the services that were requested.


My institution is interested in using Voice AI. Can we advertise it to our users? Would you be able to handle an additional load for XXX users?

For large institutions, please contact us directly at info@kisski.de.

Are Voice AI services for free?

Voice AI services that are accessible to a user with an AcademicCloud account are for free.