

JupyterHPC is currently being rolled out and is not yet available for all HPC users.

We offer the possibility of running RStudio instances on the interactive partitions of our HPC clusters, through the JupyterHub (also known as JupyterHPC) container platform. The advantages of this approach include more flexible resource allocation, access to your usual files in your home folder, and the possibility of rapidly creating new RStudio containers tailored to your specific requirements.

For calculations that need compute resources over a long duration, please submit a batch job to the appropriate Slurm partition instead of using the RStudio instance.

Starting your RStudio-JupyterHub instance

Project portal, SCC and NHR users:

Note: You are a project portal user if your username looks something like u12345 and you received an email regarding the project portal when you activated your account. Your account might be activated to run on the SCC or NHR servers (others too, but the RStudio instances currently only run in these servers).

  1. Go to and log in (NOTE: Make sure it is jupyter.hpc, and NOT jupyter-hpc, which is currently for regular SCC users).

  2. “Start my server”, if the button appears.

  3. a) If your project and user are on the SCC side: Select your SCC username/project and the “Scientific Compute Cluster (SCC) RStudio” profile from the dropdown menu. b) If your project and user are on the NHR side: Select your NHR username/project and the “GWDG HPC RStudio” profile from the dropdown menu. c) If you are not sure to which server your user belongs to, check your project portal page/corresponding email, check which log-in server you use for SSH, or ask us.

  4. Set a reasonable amount of resources to use, the defaults are way too high for simple R jobs! Reasonable defaults for simple jobs are: 1-2 CPUs, 1-2 GBs of RAM/Memory, max. 8 hours runtime. If you know that you will need it, you can request more CPUs or RAM/Memory.

In the end, your configuration should look similar to:

image image

These containers start up as jobs in an interactive cluster partition, and so will expire after the time given in the initial options (as will any R jobs that you have left running). The maximum allowed time is currently 8 hours. If your jobs require longer running times, please let us know.

  1. Click on start server, spawning might take 1-2 minutes (if the server fails to start, it will time out on its own! Don’t refresh the page!)
  2. Once your server starts, you will see Jupyter’s landing page. Click here and RStudio will open in a new window:

image image

  1. If you experience problems starting your server, please provide any errors shown by your browser, as well as the contents of ~/current.jupyterhub.notebook.log (don’t start another notebook or it will overwrite this file!)

Stopping your server/notebook/RStudio instance

  1. If you’ve lost the Jupyter page, just go to on your browser.
  2. File (top left) -> Hub Control Panel (towards the bottom).
  3. Stop My Server (might take 1-2 minutes).

Attempts at logging out elsewhere will not function! Of course you can also just let your session expire after the previously given runtime.

Installing packages

The RStudio containers already contain a large number of the more commonly requested R packages. If you need other packages, install them the usual way from inside the RStudio instance in the container. They will be installed to your home folder, and be available whenever you restart the container.

Newer R version

If you require a newer R version for your RStudio instance due to some specific packages, let us know and we can build an updated container for you.

Retrieving your old RStudio packages

NOTE: This will end up installing A LOT of packages, since it will also reinstall any packages that might be slightly newer than the ones already available in the container. I recommend picking only those libraries you actually work with instead of this brute-force approach.

  1. On your old or personal RStudio instance, go to the R tab and:
ip <- installed.packages()[,1]
  1. Copy the created file to the cluster corresponding to your account. In the new RStudio instance now do:
ip <- readLines("rpackages_in_4.2.0.txt")
  1. Some packages might have been installed through the R package BiocManager, in which case:
ip <- readLines("rpackages_in_4.2.0.txt")

More information on JupyterHub and Containers

Creating containers for JupyterHub, with a couple of example container definition files.

Using apptainer (to create and test new containers). Notice you need to run apptainer from inside a Slurm job! Ideally use an interactive job in an interactive queue for this purpose.

Advanced: Testing the RStudio container & using it for Slurm jobs

If you want to test the environment of the RStudio container without the burden/extra environment of Jupyter and RStudio, you can run the container directly. You can also use this approach to start up and use the container in batch (that is, non-interactive) mode.

  1. Start an interactive (or batch) job.
  2. Load the apptainer module.
  3. apptainer run container.sif will “log into” the container.

You can also build your own container from the examples in the JupyterHub page, or following this recipe/.def file used for the RStudio containers (might be out of date! No guarantees it will work correctly). Recipe might take about an hour to build and the resulting container file will be a couple of GBs large:

CLICK ME for a large container definition file
Bootstrap: docker
#From: condaforge/miniforge3
From: ubuntu:jammy
    export DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive
    apt update
    apt upgrade -y
    # Install Julia
    # Not available in 22.04 repos
    # apt install -y julia
    # echo 'ENV["HTTP_PROXY"] = ""' >> /etc/julia/startup.jl
    # echo 'ENV["HTTPS_PROXY"] = ""' >> /etc/julia/startup.jl

    # R and packages #
    apt install -y --no-install-recommends software-properties-common dirmngr
    apt install -y wget curl libcurl4-openssl-dev git-all
    wget -qO- | tee -a /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/cran_ubuntu_key.asc
    add-apt-repository "deb $(lsb_release -cs)-cran40/"
    apt update

    apt install -y \
        r-base \
        r-base-dev \
        r-cran-caret \
        r-cran-crayon \
        r-cran-devtools \
        r-cran-forecast \
        r-cran-hexbin \
        r-cran-htmltools \
        r-cran-htmlwidgets \
        r-cran-plyr \
        r-cran-randomforest \
        r-cran-rcurl \
        r-cran-reshape2 \
        r-cran-rmarkdown \
        r-cran-rodbc \
        r-cran-rsqlite \
        r-cran-shiny \
        r-cran-tidyverse \
        r-cran-rcpp \
        libfftw3-3 libfftw3-dev libgdal-dev

    apt install -y \
        r-bioc-annotationdbi r-cran-bh r-bioc-biobase r-bioc-biocfilecache r-bioc-biocgenerics r-bioc-biocio \
        r-cran-biocmanager r-cran-biocmanager r-bioc-biocneighbors r-bioc-biocparallel r-bioc-biocsingular r-bioc-biocversion \
        r-bioc-biostrings r-cran-cairo r-bioc-complexheatmap r-cran-dbi r-cran-ddrtree r-bioc-deseq2 \
        r-bioc-delayedarray r-bioc-delayedmatrixstats r-cran-fnn r-cran-formula r-bioc-geoquery r-bioc-go.db \
        r-bioc-gosemsim r-bioc-genomeinfodb r-bioc-genomeinfodbdata r-bioc-genomicalignments r-bioc-genomicfeatures r-bioc-genomicranges \
        r-cran-getoptlong r-cran-globaloptions r-bioc-hdf5array r-bioc-hsmmsinglecell r-cran-hmisc r-bioc-iranges \
        r-bioc-keggrest r-cran-kernsmooth r-cran-mass r-cran-matrix r-bioc-matrixgenerics r-cran-nmf \
        r-cran-r.cache r-cran-r.methodss3 r-cran-r.oo r-cran-r.utils r-cran-r6 r-cran-rann \
        r-bioc-rbgl r-cran-rcolorbrewer r-cran-rcurl r-cran-rmysql r-cran-rocr r-cran-rsqlite \
        r-cran-rspectra r-cran-runit r-cran-rcpp r-cran-rcppannoy r-cran-rcpparmadillo r-cran-rcppeigen \
        r-cran-rcpphnsw r-cran-rcppparallel r-cran-rcppprogress r-cran-rcpptoml r-bioc-residualmatrix r-bioc-rhdf5lib \
        r-bioc-rhtslib r-bioc-rsamtools r-cran-rserve r-cran-rtsne r-bioc-s4vectors r-bioc-scaledmatrix \
        r-cran-seurat r-cran-seuratobject r-bioc-singlecellexperiment r-cran-sparsem r-cran-stanheaders r-bioc-summarizedexperiment \
        r-cran-v8 r-cran-vgam r-cran-venndiagram r-cran-xml r-bioc-xvector r-cran-abind \
        r-cran-acepack r-bioc-affxparser r-bioc-affy r-bioc-affyio r-bioc-annotate r-cran-ape \
        r-cran-askpass r-cran-assertthat r-cran-backports r-cran-base64enc r-bioc-beachmat r-cran-beeswarm \
        r-cran-bibtex r-cran-bindr r-cran-bindrcpp r-bioc-biocviews r-bioc-biomart r-cran-bit \
        r-cran-bit64 r-cran-bitops r-cran-blob r-bioc-bluster r-cran-boot r-cran-brew \
        r-cran-brio r-cran-broom r-cran-catools r-cran-cachem r-cran-callr r-cran-car \
        r-cran-cardata r-cran-cellranger r-cran-checkmate r-cran-circlize r-cran-class r-cran-classint \
        r-cran-cli r-cran-clipr r-cran-clue r-cran-cluster r-cran-coda r-cran-codetools \
        r-cran-colorspace r-cran-combinat r-cran-commonmark r-cran-corpcor r-cran-corrplot r-cran-covr \
        r-cran-cowplot r-cran-cpp11 r-cran-crayon r-cran-credentials r-cran-crosstalk r-cran-curl \
        r-cran-data.table r-cran-dbplyr r-cran-deldir r-cran-desc r-cran-devtools r-cran-dichromat \
        r-cran-diffobj r-cran-digest r-cran-doparallel r-cran-dorng r-cran-docopt r-cran-downlit \
        r-cran-downloader r-cran-dplyr r-cran-dqrng r-cran-dtplyr r-bioc-edger r-cran-ellipse \
        r-cran-ellipsis r-cran-evaluate r-cran-expm r-cran-fansi r-cran-farver r-cran-fastica \
        r-cran-fastmap r-cran-fastmatch r-cran-ff r-cran-fitdistrplus r-cran-flexmix r-cran-forcats \
        r-cran-foreach r-cran-foreign r-cran-formatr r-cran-fs r-cran-furrr r-cran-futile.logger \
        r-cran-futile.options r-cran-future r-cran-future.apply r-cran-gargle r-cran-gdata r-bioc-genefilter \
        r-bioc-geneplotter r-cran-generics r-cran-gert r-cran-getopt r-cran-ggalluvial r-cran-ggbeeswarm \
        r-cran-ggforce r-cran-ggplot2 r-cran-ggpubr r-cran-ggraph r-cran-ggrepel r-cran-ggridges \
        r-cran-ggsci r-cran-ggsignif r-cran-gh r-cran-gitcreds r-bioc-glmgampoi r-cran-globals \
        r-cran-glue r-cran-goftest r-cran-googledrive r-cran-googlesheets4 r-cran-gplots r-bioc-graph \
        r-cran-graphlayouts r-cran-gridbase r-cran-gridextra r-cran-gridgraphics r-cran-gtable r-cran-gtools \
        r-cran-haven r-cran-hdf5r r-cran-here r-cran-highr r-cran-hms r-cran-htmltable \
        r-cran-htmltools r-cran-htmlwidgets r-cran-httpuv r-cran-httr r-cran-ica r-cran-ids \
        r-cran-igraph r-cran-ini r-cran-inline r-cran-irlba r-cran-isoband r-cran-iterators \
        r-cran-itertools r-cran-jpeg r-cran-jquerylib r-cran-jsonlite r-cran-knitr r-cran-labeling \
        r-cran-lambda.r r-cran-later r-cran-lattice r-cran-latticeextra r-cran-lazyeval r-cran-leiden \
        r-cran-lifecycle r-bioc-limma r-cran-listenv r-cran-lme4 r-cran-lmtest r-cran-locfit \
        r-cran-loo r-cran-lubridate r-cran-magrittr r-bioc-makecdfenv r-cran-markdown r-cran-matrixstats \
        r-cran-mclust r-cran-memoise r-bioc-metapod r-cran-mgcv r-cran-mime r-cran-miniui \
        r-cran-minqa r-cran-mnormt r-cran-modelr r-cran-modeltools r-bioc-monocle r-bioc-multtest \
        r-cran-munsell r-cran-network r-cran-nleqslv r-cran-nlme r-cran-nloptr r-cran-nnet \
        r-cran-numderiv r-bioc-oligo r-bioc-oligoclasses r-cran-openssl r-cran-pander r-cran-parallelly \
        r-cran-patchwork r-cran-pbapply r-cran-pbkrtest r-cran-pbmcapply r-bioc-pcamethods r-cran-pheatmap \
        r-cran-pillar r-cran-pkgbuild r-cran-pkgconfig r-cran-pkgload r-cran-pkgmaker r-cran-plogr \
        r-cran-plotly r-cran-plyr r-cran-png r-cran-polyclip r-cran-polynom r-cran-praise \
        r-bioc-preprocesscore r-cran-prettyunits r-cran-processx r-cran-progress r-cran-progressr r-cran-promises \
        r-cran-proto r-cran-proxy r-cran-ps r-cran-pscl r-cran-psych r-cran-purrr \
        r-cran-qlcmatrix r-cran-quadprog r-cran-quantreg r-bioc-qvalue r-cran-ragg r-cran-randomforest \
        r-cran-rappdirs r-cran-raster r-cran-rcmdcheck r-cran-readr r-cran-readxl r-cran-registry \
        r-cran-rematch r-cran-rematch2 r-cran-remotes r-cran-reprex r-cran-reshape r-cran-reshape2 \
        r-cran-restfulr r-cran-reticulate r-cran-rex r-bioc-rhdf5 r-bioc-rhdf5filters r-cran-rjags \
        r-cran-rjson r-cran-rlang r-cran-rmarkdown r-cran-rngtools r-cran-roxygen2 r-cran-rpart \
        r-cran-rprojroot r-cran-rsample r-cran-rstan r-cran-rstatix r-cran-rstudioapi r-cran-rsvd \
        r-bioc-rtracklayer r-cran-rversions r-cran-rvest r-cran-s2 r-cran-sandwich r-cran-sass \
        r-cran-scales r-bioc-scater r-cran-scattermore r-bioc-scran r-cran-sctransform r-bioc-scuttle \
        r-cran-selectr r-cran-sessioninfo r-cran-sf r-cran-sfsmisc r-cran-shape r-cran-shiny \
        r-cran-sitmo r-cran-slam r-cran-slider r-cran-sna r-cran-snow r-cran-sourcetools \
        r-cran-sp r-cran-spdata r-bioc-sparsematrixstats r-cran-sparsesvd r-cran-spatial \
        r-cran-spatstat.geom r-cran-spatstat.random r-cran-spatstat.sparse r-cran-spatstat.utils r-cran-spdep r-cran-statmod \
        r-cran-statnet.common r-cran-stringi r-cran-stringr r-cran-survival r-bioc-sva r-cran-svglite \
        r-cran-sys r-cran-systemfonts r-cran-tensor r-cran-terra r-cran-testthat r-cran-textshaping \
        r-cran-tibble r-cran-tidygraph r-cran-tidyr r-cran-tidyselect r-cran-tidyverse r-cran-timedate \
        r-cran-timeseries r-cran-tinytex r-cran-tweenr r-cran-tzdb r-cran-udunits2 r-cran-units \
        r-cran-usethis r-cran-utf8 r-cran-uuid r-cran-uwot r-cran-vctrs r-cran-vipor \
        r-cran-viridis r-cran-viridislite r-cran-vroom r-cran-waldo r-cran-warp r-cran-webshot \
        r-cran-whisker r-cran-withr r-cran-wk r-cran-xfun r-cran-xml2 r-cran-xopen \
        r-cran-xtable r-cran-yaml r-cran-zeallot r-cran-zip r-bioc-zlibbioc r-cran-zoo

    # rcpp: solves some issues with -Wformat errors when installing various packages under R4.4, the package manager version of RCpp is not new enough
    echo ""
    echo "#######################################"
    echo "# Starting installation of R packages #"
    echo "#######################################"
    echo ""
    echo 'install.packages("Rcpp")' >> packages.R
    echo 'BiocManager::install(version = "3.19", update=FALSE, ask=FALSE)' >> packages.R
    echo 'ip <-c("eseis","CellChat","ClusterProfiler","RCppML","SeuratData","SeuratDisk","SeuratWrappers","fgsea")' >> packages.R
    echo 'install.packages(ip, Ncpus=4)' >> packages.R
    echo 'BiocManager::install(ip, update=FALSE, ask=FALSE)' >> packages.R

    # Run installation and divert output to dev/null, there is A LOT of output
    # Comment this out if you are just testing stuff cos it is going to take a while
    Rscript packages.R 2>&1 >/dev/null
    rm packages.R

    echo ""
    echo "########################################"
    echo "# Done with installation of R packages #"
    echo "########################################"
    echo ""

    # RStudio #

    apt install -y libclang-dev lsb-release psmisc sudo libssl-dev
    ubuntu_release=$(lsb_release --codename --short)
    dpkg --install rstudio-server-2023.12.1-402-amd64.deb
    rm rstudio-server-2023.12.1-402-amd64.deb
    echo 'ftp_proxy=' >> /usr/lib/R/etc/
    echo 'https_proxy=' >> /usr/lib/R/etc/
    echo 'http_proxy=' >> /usr/lib/R/etc/
    echo '' >> /usr/lib/R/etc/

    # Other stuff
    apt install -y vim
    apt install -y default-jre # required for gipptools

    # Conda #
    # Among other stuff, installs Jupyter env.

    # Install miniconda to /miniconda
    curl -LO "${condash}"
    bash ${condash} -p /opt/conda -b
    rm ${condash}
    conda update -y conda
    conda init

    conda install --quiet --yes -c conda-forge \
        'ipyparallel' \
        'jupyter-rsession-proxy' \
        'notebook' \
        'jupyterhub==2.3.1' \

    conda install --quiet --yes -c conda-forge \
        dgl \
        igraph \
        keras \
        pandas \
        pydot \
        scikit-learn \
        scipy \

    # required so JupyterHub can find jupyterhub-singleuser
    export PATH=$PATH:/opt/conda/bin

Troubleshooting & FAQ

  • Please adjust your utilized resources to reasonable numbers, since you will be sharing the interactive partition nodes with others (1-2 CPUs, 1-2 GBs of RAM/Memory, max. 8 hours runtime).
  • Your usual home folder files should be accessible from the container.
  • You can install packages as usual with install.packages, or if you think it will be a popular package, request a centralized installation.
  • If you are experiencing strange issues, check you do not have leftover configuration files from other RStudio instances, e.g. ~/.R/Makevars or an old .RData file, in your home folder.
  • External modules (module load) are NOT accessible.

Known Issues

  • $HOME might not be set up correctly in the Terminal tab (it is correct from the R tab in RStudio), so you might want to change it if some scripts of yours depend on this. This on RStudio’s Terminal tab might fix it:
export HOME=/usr/users/$USER
  • You can also ignore any LC_whatever error messages related to locale configuration.
  • Function help with F1 might show a “Firefox can’t open embedded page” error.