QuTip is designed with a focus on physics applications, and thus has a massive library of methods for that goal. The extra learning materials are available through the platforms for QuTip.
Getting Started
Below is a base example for creating and running the QuTip
simulator which will create a Bell state (an entangled state of two qubits):
import numpy as np
from qutip import *
# Define the initial state (|00> state for two qubits)
initial_state = tensor(basis(2, 0), basis(2, 0))
# Define the Hadamard gate and CNOT gate
hadamard_gate = snot() # Single qubit Hadamard gate
cnot_gate = cnot() # CNOT gate
# Apply Hadamard gate to the first qubit
state_after_hadamard = tensor(hadamard_gate, qeye(2)) * initial_state
# Apply the CNOT gate to create entanglement
final_state = cnot_gate * state_after_hadamard
# Print the final state (Bell state)
# Optionally, check the final state's density matrix
rho = final_state * final_state.dag()
Code Insights
- Import the necessary dependencies.
- Define a quantum state and build the quantum circuit.
- Hints between the lines:
- The
is creating a single qubit Hadamard gate to create a superposition. - The
is the CNOT gate to entangle the qubits, resulting in a Bell state. - The
gives the conjugate transpose and theqeye()
is the identity operator.
- The
- Print out the results. The density matrix of the final state is to analyze the entanglement and see the mixed states.
Follow up on the GWDG Updates:
- Qutip
- The version of Qutip provided by GWDG: 5.0.4
Key Features
QuTiP is a framework built in Python that is intended for the simulation and analysis of open quantum systems. Extensively utilized in quantum optics, quantum thermodynamics, and quantum control research, it provides a wide range of tools for simulating dissipative and decoherent quantum phenomena.
Open Quantum System Simulation: QuTiP is highly effective in simulating open quantum systems, which involve interactions with environments causing decoherence and dissipation, essential for studying practical quantum systems.
Quantum Control: QuTiP offers strong resources for creating and mimicking quantum control plans, which is perfect for creating methods to manage qubits with great accuracy.
Quantum Optics and Dynamics: QuTiP is widely utilized in quantum optics due to its native support for typical quantum systems like cavities, harmonic oscillators, and two-level atoms.
Hamiltonian Engineering: The Hamiltonian Engineering framework enables users to define and simulate time-dependent and custom Hamiltonians, allowing in-depth exploration of dynamic behaviors in quantum systems.
Supplementary Modules
Command | Description |
coherent(N,alpha) | Coherent state, alpha = complex number (eigenvalue) for requested coherent state. |
maximally_mixed_dm(N) | Maximally mixed density matrix, N = number of levels in Hilbert space. |
zero_ket(N) | Empty ket vector, N = number of levels in Hilbert space. |
basis(N,#m) ,fock(N,#m) | Fock state ket vector, N = number of levels in Hilbert space, m = level containing excitation (0 if no m given). |
momentum(qobj) | Momentum operator, qobj = Object to copy dimensions from. |
position(qobj) | Position operator, qobj = Object to copy dimensions from. |
qeye(N) | Identity, N = number of levels in Hilbert space. |
destroy(qobj) | Lowering (destruction) operator, qobj = Object to copy dimensions from. |
create(qobj) | Raising (creation) operator, qobj = Object to copy dimensions from. |
squeezing(q1, q2, sp) | Squeezing operator (Generalized), q1,q2 = Quantum operators (Qobj) sp = squeezing parameter. |
Q.check_herm() | Check Hermicity, check if quantum object is Hermitian. |
Q.dag() | Dagger (adjoint), returns adjoint (dagger) of object. |
Q.diag() | Returns the diagonal elements. |
Q.eigenenergies() | Eigenenergies (values) of operator. |
Q.eigenstates() | Returns eigenvalues and eigenvectors. |
Q.groundstate() | Eigenval & eigket of Qobj groundstate. |
Q.inv() | Matrix inverse of the Qobj. |
Q.norm() | Returns L2 norm for states, trace norm for operators. |
Q.ptrace(sel) | Partial trace returning components selected using ‘sel’ parameter. |
Q.proj() | Form projector operator from given ket or bra vector. |
Q.transform(inpt) | A basis transformation defined by matrix or list of kets ‘inpt’. |
The fundemental explanations behind of these functions,operators and states and more can be found on the official QuTip webpage.