
Chat AI supports loading preset personas from configurations in the form of JSON files. Each JSON file includes the system prompt, settings, and conversations, allowing you to easily load a persona into Chat AI. While these files can be imported using the import function, Chat AI also supports directly importing public JSON files from the web, by specifying it in the URL.

Example personas

If all you need is a quick link to load a specific persona, this is your chapter. These are some of the interesting and useful personas the AI community came up with:


This is where we need your help!

Check out our Chat AI Personas GitHub repository and help us creating highly versatile and useful personas. The best ones will be featured on this page.

Using Chat AI Personas

We provide some recommended personas in our Chat AI Personas GitHub repository.

You can create a link to Chat AI with the desired persona from the publicly-available preset personas in Chat AI. To do this, simply add the URL of the JSON file in the import parameter of the URL:<json_url>

Replace <json_url> with the URL to the JSON file.


Note that by clicking on these links the persona’s configuration, i.e., system prompt, model, and other settings will be loaded.